TALENT MAGNET™ Attracting, Developing & Retaining High-Value Contributors
How do you ATTRACT high-value contributors? What are they looking for? And once you attract them, how to you KEEP them? But more than just keep them, how do you ENGAGE them so they don't just stay but instead are motivated to do their best, everyday?
It is essential for all managers to be held accountable for doing what is in their control to increase the retention of your high-valued contributors.
The GREAT RESIGNATION is here. What can a manager do to minimize the chances of losing a high-value contributor? What factors influence a contributors decision to stay or go? This program answers these questions, and provides managers with:
A Talent Magnet Assessment Profile - on those dimensions that correlate with attraction, retention and development
A Talent Magnet Action Plan & Strategy that defines hands on strategies managers will use to find and keep the best and the brightest
An Resignation Risk Analysis that enables managers to identify who of their high-value contributors may be at risk of being disengaged and leaving
A Talent Magnet Tool Box which contains the best practices of those managers from a variety of industries who are the best at attracting, retaining and engaging their people
TALENT MAGNET™ is available as both a two-hour audio microlearning training program, offered jointly with ProDio, the world's greatest audio training company, and a virtual workshop delivered in three 2-hour segments over 2-3 weeks.
Improved retention ratios, continuity of productivity, and increased employee morale and commitment – these results go straight to your bottom line.
Contact us for more information about Talent Magnet™â€‹.
Leading for Employee Engagement™
It’s one thing to attract top talent to your organization, diverse and otherwise, but after the so-called honeymoon period, how engaged do the stay? Employee engagement is one of the greatest business challenges your organization can face. Many employees work hard, but harsh work realities of long hours, scarce resources, daily firefighting, and constant change has an adverse effect on your workforce.
The continuity of innovation, revenue, profitability, sales, service, customer retention, and productivity are all compromised if you have a workforce which is less than fully engaged.
Is there a way to help ALL OF YOUR PEOPLE avoid disengagement given the business challenges they encounter? The answer is, yes! Leading for Engagement™ (LFE), shows managers how to create an environment which optimizes employee engagement.
Engaged in What?
Engagement is on the minds of most HR and business leaders, but we ask an important question: You want your employees to be engaged, but engaged in what? Engagement is worthless and even detrimental if your employees are focused on priorities that don’t align with your business goals and strategy. We call this “aimless engagement.”
Research shows that over one third of the workforce doesn't understand or buy into their organization’s business goals and strategy, which makes strategy execution a Herculean task. In contrast, enabling your workforce to be fully engaged in your business strategy drives strategy realization.
The Solution
LFE provides managers with tools and strategies to mobilize employees to be engaged in your business strategy, mission-critical goals and change initiatives. We call this Aligned Engagement.
Research has identified 300 engagement drivers but only a “vital few” create significant engagement gains. We have synthesized these into a model that acts as the pillar of LFE, the ACE Model.
Accountability - Accountability leads to ownership which drives engagement
Change-Readiness - Employees must be ready to change in order to sustain their engagement
Enduring Purpose - Sense of purpose aligned with strategic direction = engagement
Workshop Characteristics
“Engagement Forum”, virtual or in person, tailored for your organization and business strategy
In-tact management work groups tackle real business challenges
Our consultants or your in-house facilitators conduct the forums
Managers obtain and use a powerful and practical Engagement Tools:
The Change-Ready Model™; the hidden five levels of readiness to change and how to accelerate
Change-Readiness Diagnostic; assess employees’ readiness to change to support imperatives
Purpose Pyramid Checklist to create greater line of site and team sense of purpose
Accountability Scale to measure and manage employee accountability
PowerPlan to ensure that what managers commit to in the training gets done on the job
Don’t waste your time and money attracting top talent if you are not going to show your managers how to help them stay ENGAGED.